Monday, 18 January 2021

E4 Computer Engineering Announces University of Pisa as the First Customer of USTI

 E4 Computer Engineering, a leading Italian company in the fields of High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Data Analytics, announces that University of Pisa will become the first customer of USTI (Ultrafast Storage, Totally Integrated), the new solution for high performance distributed block storage, based on software-defined block storage Excelero NVMesh, Western Digital what jobs can you get with a computer science degree NVME  Ultrastar and Mellanox Infiniband 200 Gb/s network interfaces.

Today, data has the enormous potential to open a new world of business opportunities, but it is necessary rethinking how data are acquired, stored, accessed and transformed. We need to create a new approach for data storage, which can offer speed, agility and longevity. In this context, a zero-latency storage infrastructure is the solution. Having fast and efficient large-scale data processing is a must for high performance solutions.

Aggregating high-performance local storage resources often leads to suboptimal performance, to the point that the performance of the storage itself can be compromised and computational resources are used, thus slowing the entire system.

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