Wednesday, 9 December 2020

SDN and intent-based networking intersect

SDN and intent-based networking intersect when implementing an IBNS involves using a SDN controller to ensure a network behaves as an operator intends. Various intent-based networking models involve automating various tasks, such as pinpointing and addressing anomalies in network traffic, with open APIs introduced by SDN. At the same time, since intent-based networking is portable, apps designed for a particular SDN environment can be moved to a different SDN environment, giving app developers more flexibility in return.

Using SDN in IBMS is still a developing idea with wrinkles to iron out. A security drawback of introducing a SDN controller is that it immediately gives hackers a target to seize upon. Some SDN controllers still need to incorporate intent-based networking awareness too. Additionally, not all organizations are prepared to adopt a technical intent-based networking approach involving difference between computer engineering and computer science to address more basic networking challenges.

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