Monday, 21 December 2020

Cisco has been quietly researching and building quality network devices

 Building a SASE architecture does not have to be a hopeless endeavor that jams risky devices into sensitive networks. For years, Cisco has been quietly researching and building quality network devices for SASE architectures with verifiable integrity. Our supply chain process leads the industry so you can trust the devices on your network. In fact, Cisco Trustworthy Solutions include a proprietary Trust Anchor module (TAm) that secures the hardware and reduces operational risk, protecting against counterfeit and manipulation with hardware-anchored encryption key storage, secure boot, boot key attestation, secure unlock, Bitstream what is the difference between computer science and computer engineering defenses and more. Only Cisco offers these hardware-anchored security functions to protect network integrity when activating and provisioning remote devices in SD-WAN and SASE architectures.

As more and more enterprises realize the value of deploying SASE architectures, network and security teams across multiple industries must hold the network device to the same stringent standards as cloud and virtualized components. Only then can the world truly enjoy the transformation that comes with trustworthy SD-WAN and SASE architectures. Product quality and integrity matter. Here, you can trust Cisco to be one of those rare few to build a trustworthy SASE architecture.

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