Friday, 13 March 2020

The Changing Landscape in Engineering

The growth of the engineering industry has seen the UK workplace become more diverse. As the nation celebrates Britain Science Week #BSW20 – Friday, 6th March to Sunday, 15th March – it is clear to see that attitudes are changing in the industry as more and more women opt for a career in the engineering sector. Back in 2013, the UK had the lowest percentage of female engineering professionals in Europe, with less than 10 percent, like Latvia, Bulgaria, and Cyprus led the way with almost 30 percent.

By 2015 women made up just nine percent of the engineering workforce, a figure that grew to 11 percent by 2017. In the latest figures produced by Engineering UK, 12.37 percent of engineers in the UK are women, representing a 25 percent jump in numbers in just four years.

Across science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), some of the most influential figures in the industries are women. For example, British chemist Rosalind Franklin is among the trailblazers for women in engineering, having played a key role in the understanding of DNA in the late 1940s. More recently, American computer scientist Katie Bouman has been celebrated for engineering the first image of a black hole after leading the creation of an algorithm that resulted in a visualization of a supermassive black hole difference between computer science and computer engineering.

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