As per the Corporate Relation Officer, H Vijaya Kumar, understudies from 25 select establishments were welcome to take part in an online test, SWISH hackathon, and online test led by Denso bunch at IIIT-Hyderabad and understudies from VNRVJIET
Two understudies Y Ritheesh Baradwaj, Electronics and is computer science engineering( ECE) and G Sai Veera Venkata Rohith, Computer Science Engineering (CSE) of the city-based VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology (VNRVJIET) have been enrolled with a yearly pay bundle of Japan Yen 62 lakh (approx Rs 40 lakh) each by the Denso Corporation, Japan, the world's biggest car provider gathering.
As per the Corporate Relation Officer, H Vijaya Kumar, understudies from 25 select organizations were welcome to take an interest in an online test, SWISH hackathon, and online test directed by Denso bunch at IIIT-Hyderabad and understudies from VNRVJIET remained in the principal position. The enlistment procedure proceeded through a couple of rounds of specialized meetings and enrolled two understudies from the Institute to the Software Group of DENSO Corporation, with Rs 40 lakh for each annum to each. Understudies will be working at ADIT-J, a joint endeavor of DENSO and Bosch, situated in Aichi Prefecture in the Chubu Region of Honshu, Japan.
Two understudies Y Ritheesh Baradwaj, Electronics and is computer science engineering( ECE) and G Sai Veera Venkata Rohith, Computer Science Engineering (CSE) of the city-based VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology (VNRVJIET) have been enrolled with a yearly pay bundle of Japan Yen 62 lakh (approx Rs 40 lakh) each by the Denso Corporation, Japan, the world's biggest car provider gathering.
As per the Corporate Relation Officer, H Vijaya Kumar, understudies from 25 select organizations were welcome to take an interest in an online test, SWISH hackathon, and online test directed by Denso bunch at IIIT-Hyderabad and understudies from VNRVJIET remained in the principal position. The enlistment procedure proceeded through a couple of rounds of specialized meetings and enrolled two understudies from the Institute to the Software Group of DENSO Corporation, with Rs 40 lakh for each annum to each. Understudies will be working at ADIT-J, a joint endeavor of DENSO and Bosch, situated in Aichi Prefecture in the Chubu Region of Honshu, Japan.
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